"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful".
(Colossians 4:2 NIV)
In the darkness of the current world situation between Russia and Ukraine, the heaviness of our hearts can be rendered more sorrowful still by our seeming powerlessness to influence events. Yet the truth is we hold an influence far mightier than any worldly tool: prayer. Prayer plugs us into the power capable of steering world affairs and personal trials, even the very hearts of men. Discover why the Bible conscripts us to our knees.
I sometimes wonder why we fail to see the mighty moves of God witnessed in the past. Stories of John Wesley travelling the highways of England preaching to vast crowds, or the large Tabernacle at London's Elephant and Castle built to accommodate the masses longing to hear Spurgeon preach. Stories of power; stories of hope.
And then I wonder: maybe the church does not pray as before? The early church was instructed to be devoted to prayer. Not simply to pray, but to make prayer a lifestyle. Devotions to be their devotion.
The Wesleyan Revival in England was birthed not on its highways, but in the private bed chamber where John Wesley woke each morning to pray for revival. Prayers in the secret place that transformed the public place, bringing revival to Great Britain and the world it influenced.
We also have influence – and prayer wields an influence invisible but mighty. It is an influence that we all possess. Cultivate a culture of prayer. It need not be hours on your knees for there is much power in short, daily prayers. You can pray on the go, on a walk, under your breath at work or indeed spend hours on your knees.
Simply be devoted to prayer: in moments, in hours, short and simple or long and impassioned, the Lord hears them all. Then, like John Wesley, your prayers will touch heaven and change earth.
Thank you RevBlots (see comment below) - and thank you for sharing your research. These interpretations definitely focus us more on what it is to pray. There are times when the persistence without obvious results can be discouraging, but equally, a devotion to prayer can give us immense faith in situations that might otherwise feel without hope. Thank you!
A challenging reminder. Thanks very much. I was interested by the word translated above as 'devote'. Looking it up, it's quite a powerful word. Other translations use 'persevere', 'continue steadfastly', or even 'constantly diligent'. It implies that there needs to be much effort, possibly in the face of not seeing the obvious results we would hope for.
Dear Readers, I know we are living in threatening times, so do reflect on John 1:5. This verse comes to me when I pray for Russia and Ukraine: it is my prayer guide and unwavering hope. John 1 reminds us of the power of the God we serve - mightier than the roaring sea (Psalm 93), our help and shield, faithful to all who put their hope and trust in him (Psalm 33). Whatever the struggle, however dark the night, however faint our hearts, his light burns stronger still. How much do you really believe in the power of prayer?