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Sharmila@The Writing Desk 27

The Rescue Plan

"Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress."

(Psalm 107:28 TNIV)

In the Christian walk, we are often required to "go through". While we ache for a rescue plan or exit door, the Lord asks us to trust him in the storm and journey through it with him.

I recall some years ago, during the early weeks of a new job, how God showed me that he could remove my nerves instantly, but it was in the going through that I would grow and become stronger. In the going through would be testimony.

Our faith is tested in the heat of adversity, in the navigating of difficult situations rather than being airlifted out. These testings of our faith are hard. They stretch us and hurt us as we experience storm after storm. We feel battered and battle weary, yet we also accept that battles are part of life.

I am starting to learn however that there are times when God offers a different option. Struggles where he extends his hand of rescue and indeed presents our desired exit door. Psalm 107 says:

"He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven." (Psalm 107: 29-30).

I discovered these words at a time of great tumult. They became my hope and my prayer. My anchor and assurance as everything within me was tossing and afraid. They told me that God could silence the winds and calm the waves for me. More than that, they told me that he would.

Certainly, there will be times where God calls us to walk through the storm, trusting in his help and faithfulness to see us through and holding to his promise that he works out all things for our good (Romans 8:28). Yet Psalm 107 reveals more of his character. It tells me that he knows when we are too frail or need evacuation. It shows me that there are times when we call out to him, when he will simply rescue us from our troubles and guide us to safe harbour.

Take heart!

For further reading: Psalm 34

Copyright © Sharmila Meadows 2023

Scripture quotations taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, TODAY’S NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 2004 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Hodder & Stoughton Publishers, a division of Hodder Headline ltd. All rights reserved. “TNIV” is a registered trademark of International Bible Society.

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3 Kommentare

Thank you RM for visiting The Mission Post and taking the time to comment. I'm pleased that this passage encouraged you. I think those verses are game changers when we are in distress.

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11. Nov. 2023

Thank you for this timely word. So many are dealing with very distressing issues and it is encouraging to be reminded that God is with us and will deliver us, according to His will.

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Do the words from Psalm 107: 28-30 resonate with you? Or have they offered you a new way to pray through your stormy seasons? I'd love to hear your thoughts - and thanks sincerely for visiting The Mission Post!

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